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In response, threatened me, stating: ‘If you ever go to the press about how I treat you or the kids, I will kill you.'” “In January 2022, I confronted about his abusive behavior and told him that if anyone ever heard how he acts and speaks to me, they would think he is a horrible person. One of favorite epithets is to tell me to ‘go f–k yourself,'” her petition claimed.

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“He has routinely berated me, calling me ‘a venomous snake,’ a ‘monster’ and a ‘liar,’ in the presence of third parties and at times, my children. Days later, Page Six reported that Julia submitted a petition for a restraining order against the Fastweb founder, alleging she felt “terrified” of him. Us Weekly confirmed that the Russia native filed to end her marriage on February 9, two years after she and the entrepreneur tied the knot. For Julia Haart and estranged husband Silvio Scaglia Haart, relationship drama doesn’t end with divorce.

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